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For justice to work in our community, it has to be legitimate in the eyes of people in the justice system, including defendants and victims of crime.

Terry has three proposals to change our Court of Common Pleas:

1) A Fair Jury Pool

Currently, the Hamilton County Court of Common Pleas selects jurors only from registered voters. Terry will advocate and vote for the use of all licensed drivers to increase the diversity of the jury pool and to increase the legitimacy of a verdict by a jury of your peers.

2) Transparent Sentencing

Defendants and victims of crime should know they are being treated alike regardless of their background. Like the City’s use of data in the groundbreaking Collaborative Agreement, the Common Pleas Court should collect and provide detailed statistics regarding sentencing. Doing so will check implicit bias in the justice system and add legitimacy for victims of crime.

3) Change Catch and Release to Catch and Cure

The jail is not a treatment facility and not a debtor’s prison.   The current system of “catch and release” must be replaced by a joint effort to “catch and cure.” Terry will advocate for both bail reform and a system of mandatory treatment that diverts non-violent offenders to community control alternatives, especially for individuals who need a treatment alternative to incarceration.